Won’t Stop the Biska Jatra this year !

Won’t Stop the Biska Jatra this year !

Bhaktapur Municipality has been advised not to cancel the city’s famous Biska Jatra this year. To avoid the spread of Corona virus infection, Bhaktapur Napa(Bhaktapur Municipality) has urged people not to stop participating in Jatra, Bhela, and other crowded events.

The district administration office in Bhaktapur has already announced that the Biska Jatra will be completed using alternative measures, according to Ananda Prasad Karmacharya, chief of Guthi Sansthan Bhaktapur.

Like last year, a meeting of those involved with the Jatra was held in Bhaktapur Napa(Bhaktapur Municipality) to see whether the Biska Jatra could be stopped this year as well.

The meeting was attended by stakeholders such as Bhairav Naike, Akashbhairav and Bhadrakali Guthi’s Guthiyar, NauBaja and Dafabhajan Guthi, the Bhairavnath Jatra Management Committee, and others.

Won’t Stop the Biska Jatra this year !,Biska Jatra,Bhaktapur Biska Jatra,

Sunil Prajapati, the Mayor of Bhaktapur Municipality, Rajni Joshi, the chairpersons of Biska Jatra 4 and 5, Kumar Chawal and Prem Gopal Karmacharya, Guthi Office Chief Karmacharya, and others were all present at the meeting, and everyone decided that the Jatra should be held this year.

“Everyone in the meeting agreed that the Biska Jatra should be held this year,” said Karmacharya of the Guthi Sansthan Bhaktapur. The stakeholders, he said, had emphasized the importance of going forward in the current normal situation so alternative steps could be taken if the corona virus infection became more serious.

They also requested that Bhairavnath’s Chariot construction be accelerated. The meeting was held only after taking suggestions from stakeholders, according to Mayor Prajapati of the Bhaktapur Municipality. He mentioned that a second meeting would be held to consider the recommendations made at the first meeting.

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