A lightweight, interlocking sandwich panel called the Gorkha Eco Panel is made of Non-Asbestos Calcium Silicate Board, Cement, Water,Sand, and Expandable Polystyrene (EPS).

The sole manufacturer of prefabricated sandwich panels in Nepal is International Green Developers Nepal Pvt. Ltd. (IGDN), a joint venture between Bahrain’s Al Khajah Est. & Factories and Nepal’s International Green Developers Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Al Khajah Est. & Factories offers a wide range of goods, including cornices, lightweight concrete panels, other building materials, and industrial and automotive equipment.

At Jagati, Bhaktapur, IGDN has a cutting-edge Eco Panel (Prefab Panels) manufacturing facility with an annual production capacity of 500,000 m2.

IGDN respects society, culture, and traditions. Gorkha Eco Panel, an energy-efficient green product, has been brought to Nepalese society as a result of our improved understanding of the environment and increased awareness of energy conservation. Its main goal is to create and market high-quality, green products in Nepal.


International Green Developers
Gorkha Eco Panel
Factory :
Jagati- Bhaktapur Nepal.
Phone : 01-5122026(Factory : Jagati)
Phone : 01-6632698/01-6200736 (Corporate office : Radhe Radhe,Thimi)
Email : info@greendevelopersnepal.com
Web. : www.greendevelopersnepal.com
Web. : www.gorkhaecopanel.com

Pokhara : 9856036952
Itahari : 025-584764,9801557587
Janakpur/Rajbiraj : 9851218082
Kapilvastu : 9857051569/ 9847130902
Chitwan: 9845333206/9811253288
Bhojpur & Sankhuwasabha :9852051942
Butwal/Rupandehi: 9869043477/9803919423
Nepalgunj: 9858071277/9858026964
Dadeldhura/Dhanghadi: 9865051468/9848718736
Biratnagar: 9817073740

386 Impressions

Corporate office : Radhe Radhe,Thimi

Daily Exchange Rate (NRB)