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Buddha Jayanti
Buddha Purnima (Buddha Jayanti) is the Buddhist Calendar’s Holiest Day. It is the Buddhists’ most important event, which is celebrated with considerable Zeal. Vesak falls on the first full moon of the fourth Lunar month in the Chinese calendar. The Gregorian calendar’s date changes from year to year, but it is usually in May.In Newar Community its Know as Swānyā Punhi (स्वांया पुन्हि).
Buddhists have been commemorating Buddhist festivals for millennia, but the decision to commemorate this day formally was made only in 1950 during the World Fellowship of Buddhists‘ first conference in Sri Lanka.
Although every full moon is sacred to Buddhists, the moon of the month of Baisakh has special significance since it is on this day that the Buddha was born, acquired Enlightenment (Nirvana), and died, achieving Parinirvana (a Mahayana Buddhist festival that marks the death of the Buddha.).
The occasion is marked by a mild and tranquil ardor, in keeping with Buddhism‘s basic character. People, particularly ladies, visit common Viharas to observe a full-length Buddhist sutra, which is similar to a liturgy. The standard attire is all-white. Food that isn’t vegetarian is usually avoided. Kheer, or sweet rice porridge, is traditionally presented to commemorate Sujata, a woman who offered the Buddha a bowl of milk porridge.